
“If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

“When you need encouragement, think of the qualities the people around you have: This one’s energy, that one’s modesty, another’s generosity, and so on. Nothing is as encouraging as when virtues are visibly embodied in the people around us, when we’re practically showered with them.”

“You are the average of the 5 closest people around you.”

These three quotes are from an African Proverb, Marcus Aurelius, and Jim Rohn. Throughout history the wise have always pushed for community and rebuked isolation. They knew that when you were a part of a community of like-minded people you had a better chance of living the life you desire.

You want to write that book? Start that business? Run that race? Act in that play? Give your resources to others? Hike the Appalachian Trail? Whatever it is at some point you said you wanted to do it!

That’s why you’re here.

Not because of the marketing or the fancy content. But because the desires of your heart are giving you another chance to lean into the things you truly want.

We ALL need people who can join us in our pursuits. Like-minded souls who we can vent to, learn from, or encourage us when the shit hits the fan. We need people in our corner when we can’t take another step, those who will celebrate us, inspire us, and make us stronger.


A band of misfits, dreamers, failures, and winners who see something different.

The synergy within Unfinished Purpose can be a catalyst for personal and professional growth. Connecting with like-minded individuals who share a common purpose can provide a network of support and inspiration. The resources that become available when a like-minded community lives and shares together is invaluable.

I also need to tell you that I don’t have all the answers either. What I do have is 20 years of experience of wins and failures to share. I know that when you have a vision and see the life you want to live, are honest with yourself, have good people around you, make a plan, and act with accountability, beautiful things will happen.

My career started with my vision of walking with people. By focusing on daily actions and non-negotiables, I have read over 800 books, am chasing pro baseball at 46 years old, have had the opportunity to work with mid-size and global brands, am in the best shape of my life and am just getting started. I am tired of many coaching programs being for the top 5% while most people are getting left behind. The thing is, if you haven’t learned the skills, it’s really hard to take advantage of everything you have available to you.

Here is what you receive with a membership to the Unfinished Purpose:

  • Two live teachings a month with Q&A: One personal development and One business
  • Live Interviews with experts and Q&A in the industries of that month’s focus
  • Weekly live Q&A’s
  • Deep Sheets that take you deeper into the material and YOU
  • A thriving community
  • Special offers on live events
  • Discounted 1:1 and group coaching prices.

These opportunities value at over $1200 a month but thru the Unfinished Purpose membership, you can have them all for $99.99 or 149.99 a month! I believe in connection, and I believe that motivated individuals will take these teachings, connections, and other offers presented and inspire the people around them. As a friend’s dad said growing up, “who you walk with is who you are.”

What I have found over my 20-year career is that achievers and people who are moving the ball forward need a perspective or opinion at times more than weekly or 1:1 coaching in order to advance in their pursuits and I want to offer that on a consistent focused basis!

This dynamic community, fueled by purpose and unwavering support is $99.99 and $149.99 per month. I am dedicating myself to Unfinished Purpose because I want to walk with as many of you as possible and I know having support from like-minded people and consistently learning will trigger the growth and ideas for you to win big!

Are you ready to embark on this journey with us?


  • Two live teachings a month with Q&A: One personal development and One business
  • Live Interviews with experts and Q&A in the industries of that month’s focus
  • Weekly live Q&A’s
    Deep Sheets that take you deeper into the material and YOU
  • A thriving community
    Special offers on live events
  • Discounted 1:1 and group coaching prices
  • Three email questions per month to help you create momentum


  • Everything the $99.99 dollar membership offers as well as….
  • Bigger discounts on coaching and live events
  • Two 15 minute coaching calls per month valued at over $100